Feb 6, 2010

Paranormal Activity sucks

Yes, another horror movie for us. I heard great reviews about this movie about it being scary. I was ready to be scared. For the Netflix users who gave this 5 stars, I think they are wacked!

Unfortunately, I wasted my time. This movie was crap. The same crap as the Blair Witch Project. That movie was crap. This movie is about at that same crap level. Don't waste your time with this crap.

If you want to know how bad this movie was, try to think of the worst movie you ever saw, and this was still worse than that.

Netflix Summary:

When Katie (Katie Featherston) and Micah (Micah Sloat) fear their San Diego, Calif., home may be haunted by a demonic presence, Micah sets up a video camera to document all the jaw-dropping, hair-raising action over a series of several nights in fall 2006. The paranormal occurrences increase in frequency and significance, leaving Katie more and more distraught -- and determined to put an end to the terror.

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