Feb 14, 2010


I liked this movie and my wife hated it. I knew what this movie was about and I think I have a fascination with these end of the world type movies. This one was just like The Day After Tomorrow movie. A big calamity hits the world, very few live and we watch a few characters' journey to survive.

Yes, this is a corny predictable movie with a Hollywood ending. The big stars do live in the end and live happily ever after. I was entertained just enough. I am going to say you will have to lower your expectations and just enjoy the movie for what it is. Otherwise, this movie will be very long for you.

Netflix Summary:

When typhoons, earthquakes and other disasters suddenly threaten to destroy the world, Jackson (John Cusack), his estranged wife, Kate (Amanda Peet), and others surmise that the secret may lie in ancient Mayan prophecies that describe global calamity in the year 2012. Roland Emmerich co-writes and directs a star-studded ensemble cast that also includesThandie Newton, Oliver Platt, Woody Harrelson, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Danny Glover.

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