May 13, 2010

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

I meant to watch this movie a long time ago, but just never got to it until now. The trailer looked good and it had strong actors in it. However, I didn't want to get my expectations to high as to avoid disappointment.

This romantic movie was very enjoyable and definitely different. The acting was solid, the storyline great, and the pace of the movie kept me interested all the way to the very end. I would definitely recommend watching this one.

Netflix Summary:

David Fincher directs this Oscar-nominated tale of Benjamin Button (Brad Pitt) -- a man who was born old and wrinkled but grows younger as the years go by -- with a screenplay adapted from a short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The plot throws linear conventions upside down to explore love, loss and memory from the perspective of a character living under incredibly unique -- and unexpectedly difficult -- circumstances. Cate Blanchett co-stars.

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