Nov 29, 2009

District 9

I have been waiting to watch this movie for awhile. The previews looked good and all the reviews were coming in positive. Peter Jackson was the producer.

District 9 Trailer (HD) - Watch more amazing videos here

I didn't recognize any of the actors, but the acting was overall good. The CG was well done and all the special effects were too.

The ending was a nice Hollywood ending where the human redeems himself in the end. Personally, I think the preview sells the movie easily. If you like science fiction movies, this one won't disappoint.

Nov 27, 2009

Drag Me to Hell

This is another horror movie set in modern times. Like I said before, you have to lower your expectations in most of the movies in this genre because they are simply horror movies. LOL.

This had some well known actors Alison Lohman and Justin Long (the Mac guy). The plot was actually very good and has some good twists. Of course the standard scare scenes with the sound effects to make you jump are here. Overall, this was a very good horror flick. My wife guessed the ending that I didn't see coming.

Usually, most previews give away all the scary scenes. This movie has a lot of potential and it reaches them. Again, this is on the horror movie scale of lowered expectations. I definitely recommend watching this movie.

Nov 26, 2009

The Taking of Pelham 123

This is a remake of a movie but I never saw the first one nor did I read the book. The preview always looked pretty good to me. It has two great actors and looked to be a fun action thriller type of movie.

Even though both Denzel Washington and John Travolta have been around along time, I still like watching most of their movies. It's funny how Luis Guzmán seems to be an extra or peripheral character in tons of movies. He is like another Kevin Bacon.

THE TAKING OF PELHAM 123: Movie Trailer - The best free videos are right here

The movie didn't disappoint. It was fast paced, suspenseful, and thrilling all at the same time. The characters were believable and the ending was done in Hollywood fashion. I would recommend watching this movie.

The old one looks pretty good too. Maybe worth watching and comparing the classic one.

Nov 25, 2009

Wrong Turn 3

I love to watch horror movies, but I always lower my expectations because I know most of them are just bad. This movie is no exception. However, they are always entertaining. I don't recognize any of the actors so I won't plug them here.

There are some scary scenes and some just gruesome. If you like horror movies in general, then you will enjoy this. I think the first one is the best of this series.

Nov 14, 2009

The Ugly Truth, Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler

I had very low expectations of this movie even though I like the 2 main stars. Gerard Butler from 300 and Katherine Heigl from Grey's Anatomy fame. I saw the preview and based on that I thought OK anther stinky romantic comedy with 2 currently popular stars. I had seen 27 dresses and some other lame movie Heigl was in and I think that may have influenced my expectations.

Nevertheless, it is a new movie and you can't judge it without watching it. I really thought Butler did a good job playing his character and Heigl was not the annoying Lizzy from G.A. The movie was put together well and got me to laugh a few times.

It was definitely predictable as most romantic comedies are, but the characters, actors, and storyline delivered. I would recommend watching it if you are on the fence.

The Ugly Truth Restricted Clip - The best bloopers are here

Nov 10, 2009

A Girl Cut In Two

This movie seemed to have a lot of potential. The description looked good, the reviews were better than decent, and the trailer was interesting. On top of that, it was a French movie and I just love listening to that language.

What can I say, I watched the movie and it was awful. The actors were good but the characters they played were people you just didn't care for. I hated the characters, the storyline, and the pace of the movie was just a bit faster than a snail. Anyways, don't watch it unless you need a movie to put you to sleep.