Nov 30, 2008

Movies, movies, and more movies

What can I say about movies, movies, and more movies except that I love watching them 365 days a year. Both my wife and I enjoy movies everyday.

We get to watch movies from different sources. Obviously, we get premium channels from our cable provider. We are also members of Netflix and use to subscribe to the 5 movies option. Both our cable and Netflix now have on demand capabilities. Instead of setting up movies on our cable dvr, we are now able to select it in a special section. I have also set up our computers to connect to our LCD tv so we can watch the Netflix instant watch movies there.

I am hoping I can post the movies we watch here. I am not sure if I will post everyday, but I will make the effort. These are not necessarily going to be reviews of the movies. I might write about whether I liked it or not, or just that I watched it. Like the title says: Movies, movies, and more movies... 365 movies a year.

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